A Rose for Diana

Here's another beauty from my nostalgia series of vignettes staged on my kitchen counter. I spent many Sunday afternoons capturing images of family memorabilia. I frequently added roses from my neighbor's yard to spruce up these still-life compositions. Other friends contributed cuttings occasionally after learning about my photography sets. 

"A Rose for Diana" (c)2015 KBWord AKA Kate's Branch
(click on image for larger view)

One friend named Diana loves purple and the search was on. She once gave me a soft lilac-colored rose from her garden, but alas, I was never able to capture its true color. These were the days before my Photoshop experience. The image above is as near a likeness as I can remember and is coupled with my mother's blue and white sugar bowl and creamer. I think she would be thrilled to see her collection married to my mother-in-law's blue & white dishes that we use every day. 

This is another reason I love to document everyday life with photography. We can capture little snippets of today (yesterday) that transcend time, place, relationships and events to bring a light-hearted perspective for tomorrow. 

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